Air Fryer Salmon with Sadaf Foods Fish Seasoning

Air Fryer Salmon with Sadaf Foods Fish Seasoning -

Recipe by: 

Bernadette Molina
Author of Award Winning Cookbook, Herencia Cookbook, and food content creator with a niche in Latin fusion.


Air Fryer Salmon 

How to make the perfect salmon. Crispy on the outside. Juicy in the middle. Perfectly seasoned.
Recipe Time: 45 Minutes | Total Serving Size: 4

Equipment needed 

  • Air Fryer



  • Preheat the Air Fryer to 400 F.
  • Rinse the salmon.
  • Rub with olive oil.
  • Season with Sadaf Foods Fish Seasoning and rub seasoning onto the fish so it is evenly distributed.
  • Air Fry at 400 F for 30 minutes.

Enjoy a perfectly cooked salmon! Crispy on the outside and juicy in the middle. Pairs well with rice, steamed vegetables, and a glass of Pinot Nior.